
The ‘Per lui’ line is the expression of the highest quality level of four local vines as Negroamaro, Primitivo, Susumaniello and Ottavianello. The first two made the history of wine in Salento (Puglia) and they are nowadays well-know around the world, while the second two are old vines with a great potential that have been recently rediscovered
Piernicola Leone de Castris, Salvatore’s son, dedicated to his father, who was an authentic innovator of salento’s viticulture, two wines of excellence representing all challenges that were faced during the years to arrive to the actual prestige.

This dedication is the right ending that sum up an intense life committed to the development of the Family Business and to the Salento’s economy increase.
Mr. Leone de Castris was the first to bring around the world the ‘Salice Salentino’. This blend of Negroamaro and Malvasia nera was created by the Winery in 1954 and obtained the DOC in 1971.

Salvatore Leone de Castris was honoured with various awards and important titles. The most prestigious were the one of ‘Cavaliere di Gran Croce’ and ‘Cavaliere del Lavoro’.
Moreover he was also ‘Accademico Nazionale della vite e del vino’, President of ‘Unione Italiana Vini’, of ‘Comitato nazionale vini dell’ Unioncamere’, of ‘CCIAA Lecce’ and ‘Copresidente dell’Unione Internazionale delle Camere di commercio dell’Area mediterranea’.
The four wines are the summary of an accurate balance between tradition and innovation and they well represent a man that was able to combine the past of one of the oldest family of the South Italy with the future of one of the most innovative wine-making Company.