
Our origins

Salice Salentino, a small village in Salento rich in vineyards and olive trees, is the landscape giving life to Leone de Castris’ wine tradition

It is exactly here, on the very spot where today’s cellar stands, that in 1665 Duke Oronzo of the family of Earls of Lemos, gave birth to the company.

He got enchanted by this landscape and decided to sell all his properties in Spain in order to draw the best from the Salentine rich terroir. He began to plant new vines, olive trees and wheat along 5 thousand hectares‘ properties, not only in Salice, but also in Guagnano, Veglie, Villa Baldassarri, Novoli and San Pancrazio.
From the beginning of the 19th century the Winery used to export bulk wine to the United States, Germany and France.

With Piero and Lisetta Leone de Castris, the bottling had its start in 1925. An extremely important year, 1943, marks the birth of Five Roses and the improvement of the bottling line that has seen our rosé being the first ever bottled in Italy and sold first of all in USA.

The production of Five Roses, in fact, began during the end of the Second World War, thanks to the initiative and boldness of Don Piero. He had his wine tasted by the American General Charles Poletti, Supply Officer of the Allied Forces. It was a success and from then on Five Roses has been our most important wine, traditionally speaking, and the first one making our company know, together with Salento, all over the world. The name “Five Roses” derives from a “contrada” belonging to the family, so called because for several generations each de Castris had 5 children.

In the ‘60s, the direction of the Company was handled by Cavaliere del Lavoro, Salvatore Leone de Castris and thanks to him the company had an important development, both locally and internationally speaking. His know-how, of continuous improvement, is now carried on by his son Piernicola Leone de Castris, managing director since late ‘90s.

New vines have been planted over the years: Chardonnay and Sauvignon, going together with the traditional ones: Negroamaro, Malvasia nera, Verdeca, Moscato, Aleatico, Primitivo. The Winery’s production is very rich: red, white and rosé DOC wines (Salice Salentino, Locorotondo, Copertino, Primitivo di Manduria), interesting IGT Salento and Puglia wines, sparkling rosé and white wines. The entire selection is quite often awarded with prestigious recognitions and our products are present not only in European markets, but also in USA, Canada, Brasile, Autralia, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, etc.

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Una leggera brezza, la terra rossa, la natura che esplode in tutti sui colori, una buona compagnia, un bicchiere di Fiano ed è subito primavera!🌸🍷

#leonedecastris1665 #AngiòFianoBianco #winemoments #winelovers #italianwine #vinipugliesi #instawine #primaverainsalento
Riuscirà Valentina a superare la sfida?👁️‍🗨️🍷

#leonedecastris1665 #VignaCaseAlte #winemoments
Gli odori della primavera, i fiori di campo e il sole salentino da degustare fino all'ultimo sorso 🍷🌸

#leonedecastris1665 #verdeca #winemoments #leonedecastris #eleganzadabere #salento #puglia
That's life 🎵🌱

#leonedecastris1665 #vineyard #winelovers #winemakers #leonedecastris #nature
Prepariamo i vigneti del futuro con le nuove barbatelle di Negroamaro! 🚜🍷

#leonedecastris1665 #vineyard #winelovers #winemakers
Coccole primaverili per la nostra terra 🚜🌱

#leonedecastris1665 #vineyard #winelovers #winemakers
Imago, perfettamente bilanciato: fresco, morbido e profumato Chardonnay del Salento🔅

#leonedecastris1665 #ImagoChardonnay #PrimaveraEnologica #leonedecastris
Fresco, morbido e piacevolmente persistente: il Five Roses avvolge con il suo equilibrio sensoriale tra il colore rosa fiore di pesco e i suoi profumi fruttati 🍷

#leonedecastris1665 #FiveRoses #PrimaveraEnologica
Since 1948
Intenso rosso dei vigneti salentini che racconta una meravigliosa complessità aromatica.
Dolce, ampio, morbido: Negrino Aleatico Dolce 🍷

#leonedecastris1665 #NegrinoAleatico #PrimaveraEnologica #vignetisalentini #wine #vinorosso #vinipugliesi #winelovers #italianwinelovers #instawine #winemaker
Il Five Roses Anniversario si veste di una rinnovata eleganza. La sua allure glamour si esprime in ogni sorso rendendolo un passo sulla passerella della raffinatezza!

#leonedecastris1665 #FiveRosesAnniversario #nuovaetichetta #imbottigliamento #pugliawine #anniversario #fiveroses #leonedecastris #eleganzadabere
Sale la pressione!
In questi giorni in cantina monitoriamo la fermentazione in bottiglia del Five Roses Metodo Classico🥂

#leonedecastris1665 #FiveRosesMetodoClassico #spumante #imbottigliamento
Da qui parte il viaggio del Metodo Classico.
La base spumante inizia la sua rifermentazione in bottiglia. L’armonizzazione dei sapori, il miglioramento dell’equilibrio e lo sviluppo degli aromi evolveranno nella successiva fase di affinamento🥂

#leonedecastris1665 #FiveRosesMetodoClassico #spumante #imbottigliamento